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The southern Thailand

  from 5 to 15 March 2018

drapeau thaïlandais

Our easternmost trip so far had been to Sri Lanka.

Pushing  further east  beyond the great Bay of Bengal, here is  for a  first contact, the very touristy and renowned Thailand.

There, our choice was voluntarily limited  for a  12 day period  visiting the southern region, that of Khao Lak, at a latitude barely further north than that of Sri Lanka.

This region was exactly the most severely affected by the 2004 tsunami for Thailand.

For us, two wishes  very  banal, contemplate the beauty of the countless islets of the Andaman Sea, and get to know a little of the local life. A challenge for this last point when we know the weight of tourism in the local economy, which  contributes  to hide "real life".  

We have therefore even eliminated the visit to Phuket Town, some 75 km south of our accommodation site.

For this southern part of the country, like the ripple  of a necessarily Siamese dancer, the isthmus of Kra stretches  in the north-south axis for about 800 km as the crow flies between the latitude of the capital Bangkok to the north and the border with Malaysia to the south.

Its slight convexity faces the Indian Ocean to the west. It separates the latter, locally called the Andaman Sea, over a width of only a few tens of kilometers, from the China Sea to the east, also called here the Gulf of Thailand, off-center part of the Pacific Ocean.

carte de la Thaïlande

Cabotine islands, a lake like a sea

The region visited is very localized, just over 200 km north-south and no more than 70 km in width from the west coast.

The  sea is near everywhere, and the archipelagos so complex that it is  often difficult  to know when we are on the mainland or  on an important island.

The tortuous arms of the river (or should we say arms of the sea  ?) of the small delta whose entrance is occupied by the island of Koh Phra Thong to the northwest, or the multitude of archipelagos of the Gulf of Bang Nga to the east of the island of Phuket, form a maze where you get lost quickly as soon as you abandon yourself, without a compass, to the hurried movement of the speedboat.

The location of the sites visited is also complicated because of the difficulty in memorizing their names, except for  some of them too famous, or sometimes conversely because of the jealously confidential nature that certain operators reserve for some of them in order to retain their exclusivity; and thereby preserve them as much as possible from mass tourism (example Koh Hin Pla).

In any case, first benchmarks, we retain at least that "  Koh  "Means"  Isle  " and "  Khao  "Means"  Mountain  ". We will see a lot more koh than khao.

In addition to the environment of our accommodation, our visits were divided into 3 well-differentiated areas, one to the north-west on the coast, from  by Khura Buri  (1), another east of the island of Phuket in the Gulf of Phang Nga (2) and a third on the artificial lake  Ratchaprapha (3) in the small mountains in the north of the Khao Sak region.

To the northwest
In the Gulf of Phang Nga
In the Khao Sak region
In Khao Lak and  Bang niang 
Panoramas and landscapes
Too short bibliography

Besides Wikipedia,

- on the hello "wai" : ""

- on a bit of Siamese dances from before (early 20th century), in a remarkable language :  "  Nothing but the earth and other traveling fictions  By Paul Morand.

- on Thai architecture : "" 

- on the terrible tsunami of December 26, 2004 :  

     ""  of the         Swiss television  

     “ the            region  by Khao Lak

on the cultivation of rubber trees and the production of latex :  

     " sucre-richesse-de-la-thailande-THA_52_r.aspx  ",

     "  ",

      "  "

- on the Human Development Index (HDI):


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