South Thailand
7- Enchantments and cabotinages
Despite the wear and tear of the passages, the masses of visitors, the natural disasters, the south of Thailand, our small visited region offers natural spectacles remarkable, which mainly focus on escapes and marine or lake areas.
The high bow of the long tail boats, whose bow is extends and stands up, flaring proudly forward, the curve of their hulls bring a permanent touch of serene elegance.
Grouped together in small numbers along the sandy bays or a stretched tombolo, with in the background bluish the vertical karstic rocks posed on the horizon and the crystalline limpidity of the waters which pass from turquoise green to cerulean blue like the Cyclades, here are some irresistible attractions of the landscapes and panoramas of the corners of the Andaman Sea and Lake Ratchprapha.
Landscapes that one would believe made for the sole seduction of the eyes. A theatrical effect, almost cabotin, if they were not perfectly natural conjunctions.
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